OS Workout...

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OS Workout...

Postby bjketchem on Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:38 pm

Trying a new split...
Day 1 is a Dynamic Lower Pull/Max Effort Upper Push

Dynamic Warm-up
shoulder warm up, 4x4 full spins, 4x4 glides-not sure what direction I want to head in since I tore the ham spinning...

1. (Dynamic) Snatch Grip High Pull: 6x3x185
2. (Max Effort) Push Push: 1x5x135, 1x3x155,1x3x185,1x1x245, 1x1x260
3. RDL: 1x5x260, 3x5x285
4. Bench (foam pad on chest, save the shoulders a little): 225x6, 3x5x275
5. Hamstring "prehab" exercises

Stretching (the bane if my existence)
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Re: OS Workout... my turn

Postby Rich McClain on Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:35 pm

Day 2/Cycle 4. Sometimes it takes a little fire to get things motivated, within moderation.

Back Squat 245x5, 265x5, 285x5, 305x1 I had more but there is still a whole leg workout to finish.
Zercher 215x5x3
Stone Squat 215x5x3
Lunges w/DB 50'sx5x3 each side
Step ups w/DB 50'sx5x3 5 lead right, 5 lead left
56 Drill 80 DB 5x3 each side
Upright Rows 120x5x2 weight seemed too difficult so I dropped back to 85 for final set. Much better range of motion.
Good Mornings 135x5x3
1/4 Crunches 100 total 50,20,15,15 fighting off abdominal spasms are a real treat.

Because I do not have a power rack, I brought out the saw horses so I can go heavier on the back squats without worry that I may fail and have to dump the weight. When doing Zerchers I go down till my elbows touch my thighs. Lower back was spent but I recovered very quickly after workout was finished.

Glad to see you working within your means, BJ. I can imagine the frustrations of not going all out. Thanks for the support too.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby bjketchem on Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:54 pm

absolutely brother and thank you for your encouragement as well.

Just a a little tip if your interested...I was at a clinic last year and Eric Cressey (a really smart strength coach) spoke about the problems with upright rows...I took the advice he gave and stopped doing them altogether , especially after tore rotator cuffs and a tore labrum...and the shoulder problems aren't so bad anymore (knock on wood)...just some food for thought...

Below is from an article he wrote on T-Nation:

Shoulder Saver #16: Ditching the Barbell Upright Rows

I've often said that I don't believe in contraindicated exercises — only contraindicated individuals. I still stand firm with that statement, but if there is one exercise that will ever push me over the line, it's going to be the upright row. This is as internally rotated as the humerus will get, and you're elevating the humerus right into the impingement zone on every rep.

For that reason, I'll never write this into a program for a client or athlete. The dumbbell version is a slightly safer alternative, although I feel that there are still much safer ways to challenge the upper traps and deltoids. To summarize, if you've ever had a shoulder problem, suspect that you might have one now, or have other predisposing characteristics (i.e. poor posture, lots of overhead work in your daily life) that might increase your risk of impingement, you'd be wise to omit upright rows altogether.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Rich McClain on Tue Jan 15, 2008 10:57 pm

I always forget... Temperature in the garage was 29 degrees. All I need is a knit hat, tee shirt, long sleeve synthetic shirt, long sleeve long john shirt, sweatpants, radiant heater, space heater, and a bunch of metal that needs moved for some reason.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Rich McClain on Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:26 pm

Interesting about the upright rows. I have a special tricep bar like the oval ones only that the one side is split. It is similar to the one I have seen Ryan Vierra working out with. I am all ears on other ways to work the traps to get some big caber turns this season.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Mike Wills on Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:26 pm

Very, very solid leg work Rich. I'm in an unheated basement and warming up good is definitely a must. Keep increasing that leg/hip horsepower and what once seemed heavy on the field will feel like something that you now own!
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Rich McClain on Tue Jan 15, 2008 11:59 pm

Thanks for the support, Mike. I know I can do more, but I don't need to push myself too much. The nice thing is it takes about a week and a half for me to go do a complete cycle. I am already addressing full movement versus more weight on a couple of exercises like upright rows and good mornings. I always start my workouts by loosening up my joints. Total relaxation after that with daily stretching at work and home.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby randy on Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:43 am

don't have any cycles to report.
don't have any cycles.
could probably make time.
probably would if i didn't see results from my lunch break workouts and occasional evenings at the Y.
(i don't know where my new tricep strength is coming from.)

(start back to classes jan25, so visits to the Y will become infrequent-er.)

kudos to you guys workin out in the cold. i haven't overcome that hurdle yet. worked out in some chilly conditions, but not THAT freakin cold.

back still sore from DL. didn't work out today. sapped me of all energy.

might incline press DB tomorrow. (no more BP for me...haven't done that seriously in about 4 years...it was actually part of that intermediate O-lifting program by Jim Schmitz)

Thursday (Thor's Day) will become my Hammer Day. my hammer distance stopped improving about 3 years ago. gotta get it back.

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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Clancelt on Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:25 am

My gym isn't toasty, but it's warmer than yours Rich! lol Looks like you're hittin the steel hard, good job!

I'm finally back to a regular routine. I had a good chest day yesterday, even with the fear of torn pecs still in my head :o

I still went pretty heavy. I'm just trying to get back to where I was pre back mess. I also just picked up a new heavy bag to do some cardio/explosive drills on. Sports Authority had their 100lb Everlast bags on clearance for $62! How could I pass that up? I bloodied my knuckles up pretty good with a gloveless workout last night.

It feels good to feel strong again! Now, if my back will just hang in there. Sunday I did some squats with 360lb and no wraps. My back feels fine, my quads.... not so much :mrgreen:

Thor's Day is a great day for hammer btw!
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby miked on Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:43 am

that BJ Ketchum is a strong fellow. nice pressing there, bud.

And, I dare say, that Rich McClain may be the stronger of the McClain boys. Just sayin'. I wonder how thick his ankles and wrists are? ;)
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oy yeah baby - back workout

Postby Sheaf daddy on Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:48 am

So my hip is still sore from dino day 1 and I wanted to still work back so I did this nice little workout

DLs from 6" blocks - 45x10, 135 x 5, 225 x 5, 275 x 5, 295 x 5, 315 x 3, 335 x 3, puked for a set of 12 (sinuses), 355 x 3
DL from pins at the knees 315 x 5, 365 x 5, 415 x 3, 455 x 3, 475 x 3, 500 x 1
Shrugs with the straight bar - 315 x 5, 365 x 5, 405 x 5, 455 x 5 ran out of time. between 1.5 minutes and 2 minutes between sets except for my warm ups and after I puked. I took a couple more minutes to reset.

good times. I wanted to do DLs from the floor for a few max effort pulls but I am not going ot push it. Scar tissue doesn't recover well.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Clancelt on Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:49 am

miked wrote:that BJ Ketchum is a strong fellow. nice pressing there, bud.

And, I dare say, that Rich McClain may be the stronger of the McClain boys. Just sayin'. I wonder how thick his ankles and wrists are? ;)

lol, Mike makes me giggle :D
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Sheaf daddy on Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:16 pm

I think my 9 year old has thicker wrists and ankles that I do. Certainly Trish does.

That Mike Dickens is certainly stronger than he looks I will tell you that.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby FrankH on Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:39 pm

Nothing exciting or dramatic to report re: my OS workouts. I'm doing the same old routine at the gym, but have added squats and DL's at home. After stupidly getting fired up and trying fairly (for me) big weight, (I put all the weight I had at the time-- 345-- on, and did as many DLs as I could-- really dumb, since I had basically done zero before, have had back surgery and I have crappy form-- it took a few days for the sciatica down my left hip and leg to die down) I have settled down to weights that I can handle for at least 10 reps, with 225 as my current max for anything. (At least until March or so!) So 185-225 for squats and DLs, and everything else (I kind of do what I feel like doing, but it sucks that my basement ceiling it only 8 feet high-- too low to do overhead stuff) I go like 90-135. So far so good, but you hosses make a feller feel mighty weak when I see all those numbers with 3's, 4's and 5's in front of them!!! :( I have some serious catching up to do!
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Clancelt on Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:44 pm

Yeah Frank, but you can throw really far. That's what matters! If just being strong was an event, I'd stand a chance of winning something :P

Actually, you're pretty strong too.... darn it :(

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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Mike Wills on Wed Jan 16, 2008 12:45 pm

Sheaf daddy wrote:That Mike Dickens is certainly stronger than he looks I will tell you that.

He'd almost have to be.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby agm on Wed Jan 16, 2008 1:40 pm

Well, the OS for me started with a few good lifting sessions, but pain in my left shoulder refused to go away. So for several weeks I stopped lifting completely, to give it a chance to heal before a slow comeback (with lots of shoulder rehab work). I'm lifting again now, but nothing interesting to report. The shoulder is holding up well so far; no pain and decent range of motion. But I'm just lifting light. Complexes for conditioning, mostly. I'll get strong later; for now I just need to get in shape, and drop a pound or two, or fifty, or ...

It must be nice to have luxuries in your gym like a space heater, or walls, or a roof. None of that fancy stuff for me. I have plenty of fresh air, though, and great lighting, and lots of music, although my choices are limited to whatever the birds feel like singing in the morning. It does get a bit damp at times.
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Jeff Storey on Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:45 pm

Adam, I feel you man. I miss lifting by myself outside.
I hate this "class" I hate the gym itself. I really hate the guy who ties up the squat rack for 45 working up to 185, and won't let me even get a warmup in. :evil:

And I really hate the fact that I had to do a pushup test today, and had to bail out 13. not only are my shoulders still killing me, but something in my armpit was spasming. :evil: :evil: :evil:
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Clancelt on Wed Jan 16, 2008 5:53 pm

Hey Jeff, every gym has a guy like that. Horn your way in with an aggressive "hey, mind if I work in" and when your turn comes up slam 4 bills on there, knock out a couple reps, and then say "Ok, I'll spot ya" ;)

If he doesn't go for that, plate swapping between guys is a good workout all by itself :lol:
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Rich McClain on Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:08 pm

Bryan is way stronger, but then again, I don't puke. He has overcome so many different physical challenges like having a hyperactive younger brother that never let him alone growing up. He's always been there for me over the years.

I do have thicker ankles and wrists I think?
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby bjketchem on Wed Jan 16, 2008 7:13 pm

...I have to step here for Bryan on something...having worked out with him when he does puke it up...he has possibly the most deadly aim i have everyseen...he's on that "Linda Blair in the Exorcist" level...
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby miked on Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:51 pm

Haha. Linda Blair. His head may not spin around like hers, but his arms will bend backwards. haha

So, here's the my push workout from tonight:

warm up and some drills
Push press: 135x3, 155x3, 185x1, 225x1, 245x1, 275x1, 275xmiss, 245x2x2, 225x2
Bench: 225x3, 275x5, 295x1, 275x5, 225x8
Stdg DB Mil Press: 65(both hands)x8, 65x6, 65x5
BF* Inc Press: 100x10, 100x6, 100x5
DB Tri Exensions - super set to failure: 40#+20#, 50#+20#
suitcase carry: 97#KB x 2 laps around basement x each hand
Med ball crunches: 50 total

After Beau's torn pec and not having a spotter in my basement, I didn't want to push it with the bench press. Besides, I can't do much more than that anyway.

*BF = Bow Flex :oops:
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby bjketchem on Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:07 pm

...275 very nice Mr. Dickens...

I think next friday we should do Max Effort Incline Bow Flex while laying on a physioball, with our feet on a wobbleboard...heck to ramp it up we could supset that with some barbell bicep curls in the squat rack :lol:
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby miked on Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:31 pm

Hey, if the Bow Flex is good enough for Larry Brock, its good enough for me ;)


I thought you would like the 275 PP. I saw your 260 and thought to myself "self, we need to get more than 260."

I would like to get over 3 bills before the OS is over. Same with the cleans. I can't give that much up to Beau. And, who knows what John and Drew are throwing around. :shock:
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby bjketchem on Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:40 pm

...275 is great, especially for someone who doesn't look very strong...
guess you can't judge a book by it's cover...

300 is a great goal...we need to give it a shot in the Dickens basement of torture before the season ends...next stop for me 280 :lol:
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby bjketchem on Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:43 pm

iwell, would settle for 276 right now, need to find some weights that are in kilo's...
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Re: OS Workout...

Postby Jeff Storey on Wed Jan 16, 2008 10:50 pm

yeah Eric, if he pulls that $%#t again, I'm gonna throw plates at him until he falls down, and use his corpse for step ups.

PS I am pissy today because I have really bad cold and have not been sleeping. Tomorrow, I'm leaving at 6am to hobnob with the General Assembly in Richmond. :roll: then it's straight off to an lecture on Ethical Relativism. Which will be great b/c I can justify the ethics of stoning Stretch the Slow Squatter with rubber-coated iron discs because it's all relative. he's a goober, and I only have so long to dick around waiting to do my workout.

Dickens, when are you gonna put that little kettlebell over your head?
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