MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Training information, scheduling practice sessions, etc.

Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Mon Mar 14, 2011 2:14 pm

14 MAR ME Upper Powerhouse Gym, Woodbridge, VA
Cont. PP - 135x5x2 sets
Inc - upto 295x1 dropped to 225x12
Lat PD - 180x8, 200x8
BNP - 135x10, 155x8
facepulls - 50x10x2
JM press - 135x10x2

some curls and ext's

landmines - 45x20x2 sets
cable sidebends - 8x20 each way
hanging leg raise - 15x2

the pressing is coming along. I was hoping to hit 275 in the Incline today. I figured I might still be recovering from the plague that was February. So, hitting 295 was nice. Not where I want to be, yet. But, getting there. And, it was nice to actually have the time to work some core.
i took the day off. hung out with the kiddos some this morning and then went and worked out. niiiiiice. now, i am going to the garage to build a lighter, more mobile WOB stand.
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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Sat Mar 19, 2011 9:16 pm

16 MAR DE Lower
42# WFH x10
16# hammer winds - 8 sets of 3 winds
hip snatch - 135x2x5 sets working tech; seems like the bar travels more straight up from the hip for me . . . interesting
Hex JS - 135x3x4 sets

17 MAR DE Upper
40# D-ball PP throws - 2x10 sets
Spd bench with release - 135x3x5
speed" BO row - 135x5x4 sets

19 MAR ME Lower
hang cleans - upto 225x2x4 sets
Front squat - upto 385x1 missed at 405; shoulda got the 405, everything felt good, position was good, just didn't have it today.
step ups - 135x8, 225x8 each leg
RDL into shrug - 225x10x2 sets
Hang Leg Raise - 15x2

was gonna do more core, but had to shut it down to get the kids out of the daycare room. I am still digging out of the hole that FEB put me in. oh well, moving in the right direction.

probably won't start focusing on throwing for at least another month.
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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Thu Mar 24, 2011 8:58 pm

20 MAR ME upper
cont PP - upto 135x4x3 sets
Seated OHP - upto 225x1 drop to 185x7
DB Row - upto125x8
close grip bench - 225x10x2 sets
Close grip LPD - up to 180x10x2
some bi's/tri's
Land Mines - 45x20x2 sets
sidebends - 90x20x1 set
plank x 1 min

24 MAR DE upper/lower
hip snatch - upto185x2
cont PP - 135x3x4
Jump squat - 135x3x4 sets
speed bench with release - 135x3x3 sets
sprints - 10yds x about 12

sprints felt good. did them on a basketball court. felt ready for the combine fast. haha
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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Sat Mar 26, 2011 12:02 pm

26 Mar ME Lower
wide grip high pulls - upto 185x3x4 sets using these as warmup
Partial DLs - 225x3, 315x3, 405x2, 455x1, 495x1, 545x1, 595x1, 655x1, 735x1, 805x1, 845x1
rvs hypers - 180x10x2 sets

big PR in the partial DLs. Never really tried anything over 705 before.

Here's video from today. Note: if you are going for a BIG PR, and want to get video of it, make sure your camera man is good under pressure. :shock:

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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:21 pm

I need to post stuff. I am lame. :?
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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby TheHammer on Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:23 pm

Well i was kinda wondering if it was too late to be posting "Off-season" workouts.... are we officially pre season yet? I mean So Md is in 3 weeks...
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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Wed Apr 06, 2011 4:28 pm

Guess i can provide an update from San Antonio:

i took 3rd behind Big Gene and Shawn Baker.

I won the open stone with 45-9, Shawn won the HWFD with 49+, Gene won everything else. He dominated, but, we were not too far behind. I think Shawn and I split the events with me besting him in the OS, LWFD, Light Hammer, and Caber. he got me in the Braemar, HWFD, sheaf and wob.

numbers, as I recall:
brmr: 32-8 bleh
OS - 45-9 more was there, gotta practice some
HWFD: 46 see comment for OS
LWFD: 69-11 see comment for OS
LH: 112+ see comment for OS
caber: 10:30 see comment for OS
sheaf: 27 see comment for OS
WOB: 17 tapped the bar at 18. gonna have to commit to the spin to compete with beasts like Gene and Shawn. Oh, and Pulcinell and Benderoth. sheesh :shock:

Gene had some big throws: 119+ LH, 73+ LWFD, and 19 WOB which he smoked by a foot. The crowd got to chanting "Big Gene, Big Gene, Big Gene" on a 4th attempt that Parman gave him and Shawn at 19. It was pretty cool. San Antonio is a good game that is becoming great.
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Re: MikeD 2010-11 Offseason

Postby miked on Sun May 15, 2011 5:59 pm

been a while since i posted. I have been training. hit a little PR during my pull workout today: hang clean for 305 x 2. first time over 3 bills :mrgreen:
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