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Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 5:48 pm
by Mike Wills
First, we have always had two flights for Southern Maryland. Since the demand was so high in less than just 24 hours, Alex has worked with Malcolm and the board at Southern Maryland to move forward with three flights this year! Also, we will most likely be breaking out a Senior Masters class as a couple more are anticipated to sign up...they will be throwing with the Women's class. And speaking of the Women's class...someone must have been doing a good job recruiting!

FLIGHT 1 - OPEN - 13
Gregory Jackson (Open Men)
David Hritz (Open Men)
Jason Edsall (Open Men)
Sam Grammer (Open Men)
William Tagye (Open Men)
SSG Tim Forrester (Open Men)
Adam Brahosky (Open Men)
B.J. Ketchem (Open Men)
Michael Dickens (Open Men)
Aaron Miller (Open Men)
Charles Fleming (Open Men)
Jeff Storey (Open Men)
Chris Cunningham (Open Men)

Kaitlyn Wood (Women)
Terri James (Women)
Kristin Wood (Women)
Pat Shema (Women)
Kate Mason (Women)
Lori McCallister (Women)
Jessica McCallister (Women)
Heather McKenzie (Women)
Malcolm Doying (Masters)

Eric Wright (Masters)
Frank Henry (Masters)
James Justice (Masters)
Sam Falk (Masters)
Pat Parker (Masters)
Tim Ross (Masters)
Mike Melia (Masters)
Don Stewart (Masters)
Adam Guasch-Melendez (Masters)
Richard McClain (Masters)
Mark Kreafle Sr. (Masters)
Charles D Wagner (Masters)
Dan Jackson (Masters)
Patrick McNamee (Masters)
Clark Johnson (Masters)

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:16 pm
by dWood
Man this looks like it will turn out to be a hoot-better start doing my homework-I mean the open class has some real studs including Mr Mike Dickens-7+ feet tall,able to shoot lightning bolts out his arse,the man who taught Chuck Norris what mojo Sam Grammar-who never met a caber he coudn't turn,New Englands own jar head and crossfit disciple(as well as a 17/20 protege)Will Tagye,Adam Brahorsky-they say I look like Doc Roc but I am way more sexier....womens class has the Wood girls-Kaitlyn(aka Little terri(broke my nose last nite-you now what I am going to do-get a brace-suck it up and play in the county championships. making her masa debut)Kristin who will be representing Clan Barbie,TerrI James-SoMd"s original womens thrower and 3x masters world champ,Kate Mason- a most dangerous thrower from that hotbed Southern Ct who has finsished 3rd in the Womens Worlds champs and threat to any game she enters and loves her cabers large,Pat Shema-a wonderfull women who defy's logic and if anyone can't getinspired by this great lady-you need your head examined,and a girl who just by stepping on the field makes it a happier place Miss heather the grisled old farts 15 masters including 2 world champs WOW-feed them some more Geritol.Frank Henry who is out to prove that 2007 was not a fluke(believe you me it wasn't),perenial tough guy Pat parker,Tim 'Rock the house' hope they don't make me dive for stones here Ross,Don stewart who just by the mere mention of his name sends shivers down fellow athletes necks...I mean you don't go around with a nickname like 17/20 without having some stud muscles(but then again he is nicknamed Hollywood by others and was the inspiration for derek Zollander and singlehandely invented "blue SteeL" he will go 50+open stone 50+42wfd..75+28wfd and at leats 20 in 42 wob)one of the nicest men under 5-5 and heck of a historain AGM(no name necassary just initials-theman has arrived),Rich McClain who thinks he's better looking than his bro but knows he has some seriuos throws to prove who's the first McClain to win in 2008+ add in Mark Kreafle-long time thrower who just oozes class,Dan jackson-one of the original assses.and mr after market parts Charles Wagner..Wow I am stoked and all I get to do is annouce...wooo :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P hooo :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 10:19 pm
by dWood
You know what would really make my day is if B McClain was going because last time at SOMD 41 shots was we need 50..hey B make a move for that wallet :oops:

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 29, 2008 11:37 pm
by Clancelt
I'm fired up!

Tim, no sheaf practice a week before the games this year! It's taken a year for me to get my back working again, must keep the mojo!

In my best macho man Randy Savage voice.... YOOOOOO YEAHHHHHHHH!


Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:23 am
by miked
Hey there are a couple of notable names missing here. Where is Bryan McClain and Mike Wills?? What about big Sean McKay?

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:51 am
by Clancelt
Yeah, what happen to the other wonder twin?

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:27 am
by Rich McClain
Wonder twin? Whatu talkin' 'bout, Willis?

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 10:15 am
by Steph Riley
I, too, was missing some names. I guess Sean McKay got married and disappeared!

Soooo excited for So MD!

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 12:01 pm
by Will Tagye
Looking forward to it!! Should be a great day. At least I throw behind Sam, that way I know what a throw should look like. We will see if I can pull out some good ones.

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 1:28 pm
by dWood
Don't be so modest Will-you will do fine-not only did you show great potential last year-but youre working with one of the best(mr 17/20)nad you seem to be like a sponge for info-now you will have your work cut out for you as Sam Grammar,Mike Dickens,Jeff Storey,and Dave Hritz are all great competitors and it will be a great comp.-but you know what they say-when you throw against the best-it makes you raise your game..can't wait

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 01, 2008 6:32 pm
by Jeff Storey
wow Dan, you are definitely a master of hyperbole, but you really went over the top grouping me with Sam, Mike, and David!

I'm sure Mr. Tagye will have no trouble whoopin up on me, but I won't rat out any of the others that will be...

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:25 pm
by FrankH
Hyper-who? You college boys, always flashing your big words, low body fat, testosterone... :cry:

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:38 pm
by bjketchem
that Jeff Storey sure is a smart fella usin' all dem dare fancy pants words...
hey jeff, how's my discus flying for ya? you get any tosses in lately?

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 6:51 pm
by Jeff Storey
yeah man, I got about 70 throws in last weekend...just stands and center pivots.
umm, it flies, alittle ways.... :oops: :oops: :oops: I actually just stick with my practice discs, I didn't want to jinx your disc with my suckiness.
are you going to make it out next weekend? I have questions....

Re: Southern Maryland - First list of the year!

PostPosted: Sun Mar 02, 2008 7:07 pm
by Mrs. T-Bone
Dan, It will be Great to have you on the mic for the day. I'm sure more than steel is gonna fly. I Can't Wait too. Less than 8 weeks to go... :)